A 3-year-old girl is brought by her mother for evaluation of a rash that began as a single painful, itchy blister on the lip 4 days earlier. After the blister resolved, similar lesions appeared on the face,...
Mansi Lalwani, MD; Priyanka Kapoor, MD; Maya C. Myslenski, MD; David Effron, MD
<p>An 8-year-old boy presents to your office with persistent frontal headaches and diffuse neck pain of 2 weeks’ duration. His mother reports that for the past week he had been dragging his right foot...
A 25-month-old girl presented with a 1.5-week history of not feeling well. She had had intermittent, cramping, diffuse abdominal pain, increasing irritability, and decreased activity.
A 25-month-old white female presented with a 1.5-week history of intermittent, cramping, diffuse abdominal pain, increasing irritability, and decreased activity.