Results from a recent randomized controlled trial shows that cognitive-behavioral stress management (CBSM) significantly reduces anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder in parents of...
A randomized, placebo-controlled trial found that executive working memory training leads to significant behavioral improvements in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Researchers conducted a randomized trial to evaluate the impact of mindfulness-based stress reduction on depression and quality of life in older adults living with HIV and cognitive impairment.
A team of researchers investigated the potential association between mental health disorders and oral health in a cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis.
In a recent study, the researchers examined trends in the use of physician-based outpatient mental health care services among children and adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a recent study, researchers examined the relationship between habitual snoring and structural brain changes in children and how these changes can affect behavior.