Conference Coverage

Alternative Approaches to Pain Management


In this video, Randall S. Hudspeth, PhD, MBA, MS, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FRE, provides the take-home messages from his on-demand session at our Practical Updates in Primary Care 2023 Virtual Series. Dr Hudspeth discusses opioid use in the United States, alternative options to opioid treatment, and the CDC guidelines that provide primary care providers with the standards to treat chronic and acute pain.

Randall S. Hudspeth, PhD, MBA, MS, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FRE, is the clinical practice consultant at RSHudspeth Consulting LLC and executive director at Idaho Center for Nursing (Boise, Idaho).

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Randall S. Hudspeth, PhD, MBA, MS, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FRE: This is Randy Hudspeth. I want to provide you with a brief summary of this presentation on pain management and opioid use in primary care with a focus on alternatives to opioid therapies.

The first thing we talked about is opioid use continues to be a major issue impacting accidental overdose deaths in the United States. Secondly, regulation is focused on two areas, both on prescriber education and on the control of illicit use. Third, alternatives to opioids are a growing interventional strategy, especially in primary care settings. Fourth, naloxone is more available to the general public, and it's a good first-line defense for treating overdose. Primary care providers need to be experienced in educating families and patients on how to use naloxone and where to access it. And finally, we talked about the CDC and professional organization guidelines that provide nationally vetted standards to help prescribers in managing acute and chronic pain, especially in primary care settings.