Hyper-palatable foods contain certain combinations of sugar, fat, salt, and carbohydrates, which tap into the brain's reward system and make it difficult to stop consuming them.
In this video, Anne Peters, MD, discusses the present and future of medical devices used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes. She also spoke about this topic at our Practical Updates in Primary Care...
A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior found that kids who watched a child-oriented cooking show featuring healthy food were 2.7 times more likely to make a healthy food...
Angela Golden, DNP, discussed talking to your patients about obesity, hearing what your patients are thinking, and partnering with patients to treat obesity.
Faculty member Joel Heidelbaugh, MD, FAAFP, FACG, Clinical Professor, Departments of Family Medicine and Urology, University of Michigan Medical School; talks about testosterone replacement, when a...