For decades, public health officials, environmental advocates, and even our own produce trade groups have attempted to get consumers to eat more produce and plant-based foods.
In this video, Steven Grinspoon, MD, speaks about effective treatments of steatosis in patients with HIV, including whether tesamorelin could decrease liver fat in men and women living with HIV and...
Calcium plaque is a known risk factor for heart attacks. In this video, Catherine Dolf discusses the results of a study that determined the predictive ability of calcium amount and density for determining a...
Craig A. Dionne, PhD, CEO of GenSpera, describes some of the drawbacks associated with common cancer treatments. Many types of drug therapies, like antiangiogenics and immunotherapies, may only be effective...
Tom Rifai, MD, FACP, Henry Ford Health System, Regional Medical Director, Metabolic Health and Weight Management; Harvard Medical School, Online Lifestyle Medicine Course Director, Metabolic Syndrome talks...