Lauren George, MD, Previews Talk on Complicated Crohn Disease

Lauren George, MD, with the University of Maryland School of Medicine, previews her talk on managing complicated Crohn disease, which she will present on September 12 at the virtual Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease regional meeting.

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Lauren George, MD, is an assistant professor of medicine in the inflammatory bowel disease division at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.



Lauren George:  I'm Lauren George from the University of Maryland School of Medicine Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program. I just want to give a brief preview of my upcoming talk on the management of complicated Crohn's disease.

As we all know, we have a certain percentage of our Crohn's patients that are unfortunately going to develop severe complications of their disease including strictures, fistulas, and abscesses.

In my talk, I want to address some current and historical controversies in this, including when to consider medical therapy versus surgical therapy for complicated Crohn's disease, as well as some updated data presented on postoperative infection risk as it relates to our current use of medications in the biologic era.

I'll also talk about optimizing our patients prior to any planned surgical interventions with nutritional therapy, as well as how to manage other medications such as corticosteroids. I'd love for you all to tune in for that presentation later where we can go into more details about the most up‑to‑date literature on those topics. Thank you.