Ben Taylor, PhD, PA-C, Clinical Faculty, Georgia Regents University, speaks with fellow Co-Chair Edward Shahady, MD, FAAFP, ABCL, President and Medical Director, Diabetes Master Clinician Program Inc. about...
Vincent Pedre, MD, discusses 3 types of viral infections that physicians may be inclined to treat with antibiotics, growing concerns of antibiotic resistance, and alternative therapiesfor treating these...
In this video, Dr Christie Ballantyne from Baylor College of Medicine talks about the challenges in preventive cardiology, including medication adherence.
In this video, Vincent Pedre, MD, discusses alternatives to antibiotic therapy to avoid side effects related to antibiotic use and to limit the growth of antibiotic resistance.
In this video, Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, discusses challenges in the transition from pediatric to adult care in inflammatory bowel disease.