Angela Golden, DNP, on Starting the Conversation on Obesity

Angela Golden, DNP, gives a preview of her presentation on discussing obesity with your patients, which will be presented at the Practical Updates in Primary Care 2020 Virtual Series on November 6, 2020.

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Angela Golden, DNP, is the owner of the NP Obesity Treatment Clinic in Flagstaff, Arizona.



Angela Golden:  Hi, I'm Dr. Angie Golden, and I own NP Obesity Treatment Clinic in Flagstaff, Arizona. My presentation on how to start the conversation with patients with obesity is important because the chronic disease of obesity, it's affecting almost 70 percent of the American population, either through pre‑obesity or obesity.

We have to, as primary care providers, get this conversation started. Less than five percent of patients with obesity are receiving evidence‑based care. The primary reason for that is that we don't start the conversation. There's so much bias around this disease.

So I hope that the presentation will bring important information to you on how to actually start that conversation very graciously with your patients who have the disease of obesity.