Anne Peters, MD, on Using Medical Devices for Monitoring Type 2 Diabetes

In this video, Anne Peters, MD, discusses using diabetes devices, including using an A1C test and continuous glucose monitoring systems. She also spoke about this topic at our Practical Updates in Primary Care 2021 virtual series. 

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Anne Peters, MD, is a professor of clinical medicine at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. 


Dr Anne Peters: I'm Dr. Anne Peters, a diabetologist from the University of Southern California, and I want to thank you for listening to my session on the use of diabetes devices.

To summarize the important points of what I've said, first of all, I hope I've convinced you that an A1C alone is not enough to help our patients. In fact, it doesn't tell us enough about the patient's lived experience of their diabetes, so look at continuous glucose monitoring data, embrace it. This is the wave of the future, and it helps us help our patients even more.

As I said, technology alone isn't enough. Patients will have different barriers to technology, as we've discussed. It's important to assess what your patients think about technology and help them develop a strategy for its use.

We've also discussed how to use these tools in your own practice. You need to sit and think about this because it may not be easy at first. There are certain barriers that we all have to overcome. Every time I get a new device that I use in my practice, I have to figure out how to integrate it, but I think it's worth the time. In particular, of developing a relatively seamless plan for using these tools, as well as how to bill for these devices.

I encourage you again to look at what we've talked about to review it, and then to start implementing this as you treat your patients with diabetes.

Thank you very much for listening.