Eric J. McGrath, MD

MAC Infection
MAC Infection
Eric J. McGrath, MD; Sam Meshkinfam, DO; Michael Haupert, DO, MBA; James Dworkin, PhD; Janet Poulik, MD; Farah Tabassum, MD; Ricardo Zegarra-Linares, MD
<p><strong><img alt="MAC infection radiograph" height="90" src="/sites/default/files/Screen%20Shot%202013-02-14%20at%2010.59.51%20AM.png"...
Foreign Body Aspiration
Foreign Body Aspiration
Sam Meshkinfam, DO; Michael Haupert, DO, MBA; James Dworkin, PhD; Janet Poulik, MD; Eric J. McGrath, MD; Farah Tabassum, MD; Ricardo Zegarra-Linares, MD
<p><strong><img src="/sites/default/files/transfer/Screen_Shot_2013-01-14_at_2.15.22_PM.png" alt="MAC infection" title="MAC infection" style="margin: 0px...
Case In Point
Case In Point
Krishnamallika Mutyala, MD; Eric J. McGrath, MD; Maria Caridad Davalos, MD; Bhanumathy Kumar, MD; Michael Callaghan, MD; Jocelyn Y. Ang, MD
A 17-year-old girl presented to the emergency department with bilateral ear pain, worsening dysphagia, and throat pain of about 7 days’ duration. She also had fever.
candidal intestinitis
candidal intestinitis
Adam Tawney; Larisa V. Debelenko, MD, PhD; Sureyya Savasan, MD; Kathleen Meert, MD; Eric J. McGrath, MD; Hazar Kobayaa, MD
An 8-year-old boy who had undergone an orthotopic heart transplant at 2 years of age for dilated cardiomyopathy, and who was on chronic immunosuppression with tacrolimus, received a diagnosis of acute...