In a recent study, researchers assessed the impact of diabetes-related symptoms on sleep disturbances and impairment among participants with type 2 diabetes.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recently released a new position statement on the clinical use of home sleep apnea tests among adult patients presenting with signs indicating an increased risk of...
Previous research has shown that the incidence of sleep disorders is higher among patients with chronic kidney disease. In a recent study, researchers aimed to determine whether sleep duration and quality...
Currently, it is unclear how reduction of cannabis use affects anxiety, depression, sleep quality, and quality of life. In a recent study, researchers sought to assess these associations further.
Sleep apnea affects men more than women, possibly because men tend to have more abdominal fat and, in turn, higher levels of inflammation. In a recent study, researchers aimed to assess potential predictors...
In a recent study, researchers assessed the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on sleep, daily fatigue levels, and depression, compared with usual treatment.
Patient with dementia often experience sleep disturbances, however it is unclear if disruptions in sleep precede the onset of dementia. In a recent study, researchers sought to determine if sleep...