In the final installment of this podcast series, Robert S. Laitman, MD, from Bronx Westchester Medical Group and SARDAA discusses suicidality in patients with schizophrenia compared with the general...
In part 3 of his podcast series with Consultant360, Robert S. Laitman, MD, from Bronx Westchester Medical Group and SARDAA explains the importance of treating his patients’ physical and societal health in...
Schizophrenia is not a death sentence, says Robert S Laitman, MD, from Bronx Westchester Medical Group and SARDAA. In part 2 of his podcast series with Consultant360, Dr Laitman explains how his approach to...
David A Greenwald, MD, from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City discussed the state of US CRC screening during the Emily Couric Memorial Lecture at ACG 2018.
Michael S. Barr, MD, and Patricia Barrett from the National Committee for Quality Assurance discuss Patient-Centered Home Care for the primary care provider.