Jennifer Walsh, DNP, CPNP, CNE, talks about the reasons for the sudden surge in measles cases in the United States, what clinicians can do to make their patients aware of the increase, and the potential...
In this Case Report Insights, Cole Fiedler, BS, speaks about his team’s study, "An Unexpected Outcome in an Adolescent With Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis. Cole Fiedler discusses what led to the diagnosis...
In this video, Albert Rizzo, MD, speaks with allergist and immunologist Juanita Mora, MD, pediatrician John Harrington, MD, and pulmonary and critical care physician, David Hill, MD, about the role of a...
In this episode, Lisa Jones interviews Sherri Jones, MS, MBA, RDN, LDN, SSGB, CPHQ, FAND, about quality trends and research in nutrition and dietetics, including the recognition and identification of...
Although most of the literature on home insulin pump use currently focuses on adults with type 1 diabetes, Sarah Lawson, MD, and her team recently developed a study that looks at the pediatric population....
In this Consultant Case Report Insights, Felicia Cooper, MD, and Drew Burgess speak about their study, "Slide Injury Leading to Bacteremia and Sepsis in a Pediatric Patient.” Dr Cooper and Ms Burgess...
In this video, Dina Kamel, MD, discusses pediatric long COVID, including the spectrum and progression of symptoms in children, the impact of the vaccine against COVID-19 on long COVID symptoms, and a...
In this expert Q&A, Margaret A. Lampe, RN, MsC, discusses the elimination of perinatal HIV transmission, elimination goals set out by the CDC, next steps for research, and more.
In this video, James Matera, DO, discusses the management of patients with primary hyperoxaluria (PH), including dietary modifications, hepatic and/or kidney transplantation, RNA interference agents,...
In this video, James Matera, DO, discusses an overview of primary hyperoxaluria (PH), including genetic screening, the etiology and progression to end-stage kidney disease, incidence, and diagnosis of PH...