There is controversy surrounding the type of malaria aid first-world governments should provide developing countries and to what extent that aid should be given. What are your thoughts on the issue? Let us...
Approximately 6 million to 7 million individuals worldwide are estimated to have Trypansosoma cruzi infection. Do you know if the infection is curable?
Summertime is tick season in many parts of the United States. With the nice weather comes an increase in tick bites and potential for lyme disease. How do you prefer to treat your patients with lyme?
Creating an initial drug regimen for patients with recently diagnosed HIV can be difficult, and using dual-drug therapy as initial antiretroviral therapy may be controversial. Do you think dual-drug therapy...
Use this easy-to-read immunization schedule, based on the CDC’s recommendations, to ensure that your patients aged 19 or older are receiving the correct vaccine at the correct time.