Routine examination of the oral cavity revealed bilateral bony growths along the buccal aspect of the mandible and maxilla as well as the mandibular arch. The growths were covered with normal mucosa.
Thrombosed capillaries are typically absent in digital fibrokeratomas, and while they might be seen in a clavus, these are typically confined to weight-bearing regions such as the sole.
Distinguishing the grayish white nits and eggs in a pediculosis capitis infestation is of prime concern in these patients, given that misdiagnosis may lead to unnecessary treatment and anxiety.
Two patients presented with unusual skin eruptions. In case 1, a 68-year-old white man presented with plaques on the bilateral cheeks of several months’ duration. In case 2, an 81-year-old white man with a...
The infant had an unremarkable medical history—she had been born at full term and had been healthy prior to the onset of the rash. She did not attend daycare, and no one else in the household had been sick...