This article is part 7 of a 15-part series of Photo Essays describing and differentiating conditions affecting the nails. Parts 8 through 15 will be published in upcoming issues of Consultant. To access...
This article is part 6 of a 15-part series of Photo Essays describing and differentiating conditions affecting the nails. Parts 7 through 15 will be published in upcoming issues of Consultant.
This article is part 4 of a 15-part series of Photo Essays describing and differentiating conditions affecting the nails. Parts 5 through 15 will be published in upcoming issues of Consultant. To access...
During a medical mission to the indigenous Cabécar people of Costa Rica, a 9-year-old girl presented with a chief concern of fleabites of several months’ duration. On physical examination, the girl was...
This article is part 2 of a 15-part series of Photo Essays describing and differentiating conditions affecting the nails. Parts 3 through 15 will be published in upcoming issues of Consultant. To access...
A 47-year-old woman with no significant medical history presented with a mass over the volar aspect of her left wrist. The patient said that the mass had started growing 3 years ago, with a rapid increase...
A 22-month-old girl presented to the pediatric clinic with a 2-month history of a pruritic rash that had started on her chest and had spread down her left arm. She had no known sick contacts and had no...
A 5-year-old girl presented with a 3-day history of a blister on her right thumb. She denied any discharge, trauma, insect bite, and fever. She had no known sick contacts, but she had experienced a similar...