8 Spooky ICD-10 Codes You May Need This Halloween

  • 8 Spooky ICD-10 Codes You May Need This Halloween

    If a black cat crosses your patient's path this Halloween, you may need to make use of this diagnostic code.

  • Cobwebs are a must on Halloween, so chances are this diagnostic code is going to come up with at least one patient.

  • While Halloween may be the only time it's okay to take candy from strangers, its probably still never okay to sample a witch's brew. 

    Double, double toil and trouble;

    Fire burn and caldron bubble.

  • After a long night of trick-or-treating, make sure to advise your patients to lock their windows or a visit from a certain Transylvanian Count may mean that you'll need to make use of this diagnostic code.

  • Specters, apparitions, phantoms, wraiths, spirits, shades, haunts, or good old-fashion ghosts: call them what you like, but seeing them may mean this diagnostic code is appropriate.

  • There may not be a full moon tonight, but the next time one comes around, you may want to keep this diagnostic code in mind.

  • Although bringing people back from the dead is still outside the realm of possibility for current medical science, if your patient thinks that they are already dead, this might be the code you need.

  • And last but not least, the code that you are most likely to actually use this Halloween. Watch out for those hard candies!

    Happy Halloween from Consultant360!