Treatment of Dyslipidemia


Peter H. Jones, MD, discussed identifying high-risk patients and targeting specific lipid therapy to reduce risk of future cardiovascular disease events. 

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Peter H. Jones, MD, is an associate professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, and the medical director of Weight Management Services at Houston Medical Hospital in Houston, Texas.



Hi, my name is Dr Peter Jones. I'm an associate professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in the section of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, and I'm also the medical director of the Weight Management Services at Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas.

I'll be speaking at the Practical Updates in Primary Care this year, and I'm very excited to be talking about my area of expertise, which is the prevention of cardiovascular disease, specifically as it relates to treating dyslipidemia.

My talk is titled the AHA/ACC Cholesterol Guidelines Update. What I hope to have you do during this presentation is to identify patients in your practice who are at high risk for cardiovascular disease, and understand how to take those patients, and reduce their risk specifically through lipid treatment.

We'll go through the guidelines. We'll talk about what patient groups are most desired to have the appropriate discussion about long term lipid treatment, and how, what you should focus on, and how you should monitor these patients in the long run. So these cholesterol guidelines have been continually updated and I'll give you the most recent updates on how to use specific lipid drug treatments to achieve the goals you'd like to in your high risk patients.

I hope that you'll enjoy this presentation and find the information very helpful in dealing with all the patients that you see every day in your practice.

I will also be moderating several sessions during the program. And these will also specifically be related to the broad area of patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease, specifically coronary heart disease, and stroke.

So some of the sessions and discussions that will be included in the area where I will moderate involve treatment of hypertension, specifically resistant hypertension, how to have the discussion with patients about managing obesity, and engaging them in a strategy for long term weight management. Also patients at high risk because of cardio metabolic disorders, which includes patients with fatty liver disease, chronic kidney disease, and most importantly, patients with type two diabetes.

Where hopefully you'll learn a lot about how to use some of the newer treatments for managing diabetes, such as a new insulins, as well as newer drugs that are now available to treat not only glucose, but also the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

So, I hope that these discussions in the sessions that I will moderate will provide important information as you discuss the prevention of cardiovascular disease in your patients.