Matt Freiberg, MD, on Sudden Cardiac Death in HIV


Dr Matt Freiberg, from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, discusses his research "Sudden Cardiac Death Among HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Veterans," which he presented at CROI 2019. He also talks about the new cardiac phenotype, common questions he receives about his work, and knowledge gaps in this area.


Matthew S. Freiberg, MD, MSc, is a professor of medicine in the Cardiovascular Medicine Division of Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He also is the founding director of the Vanderbilt Center for Clinical Cardiovascular outcomes REsearch And Trials Evaluation (V-C3REATE), the West End Home Foundation Scholar, and co-director of the K12 V-SCHoLARS program at Vanderbilt University.

Additional Reading:

Freiberg M, Duncan MS, Kundu S, et al. Sudden cardiac death among HIV-infected and -uninfected veterans [abstract 32]. Paper presented at: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 2019; March 4-7, 2019; Seattle, WA.

Tseng ZH, Moffat E, VIttinghoff E, et al. HIV post SCD study: 80% higher rate of autopsy-defined sudden arrhythmic death in HIV [abstract 33]. Paper presented at: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 2019; March 4-7, 2019; Seattle, WA.