Ulcerative Colitis

Vedolizumab and Infection Risk in UC Patients After Colectomy

Perioperative vedolizumab use is not associated with short-term postoperative infectious complications in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) undergoing colectomy, according to a recent study.

However, previous evidence has suggested a potential association between perioperative vedolizumab use and a higher risk for short-term postoperative infectious complications.

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For their study, the researchers evaluated 170 patients with UC who had undergone a colectomy between 2006 and 2016, of whom 46% were women. Median patient age was 40 years. All patients in the study had been identified via chart review.

A total of 34 (20%) patients had received vedolizumab within 16 weeks of colectomy, 60 (35%) had received anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) within 8 weeks, 32 (19%) had received a moderate to high dose of prednisone, and 71 (42%) had received other therapies at the time of colectomy.

The researchers identified short-term postoperative infectious and noninfectious complications within 30 days following colectomy, and calculated the comprehensive complication index based on all reported events.

A total of 47 (28%) patients had received pouch construction at first stage. However, this had been performed less frequently in patients on vedolizumab, anti-TNF, or steroids. Results indicated that 62 short-term infectious complications had occurred in 49 (29%) patients, and 75 noninfectious complications had occurred in 64 (38%) patients.

The researchers noted that only pouch construction had been independently associated with short-term postoperative infectious complications, overall complications, and more severe complications. They also found that perioperative medical therapy, including vedolizumab, had not impacted short-term outcomes in either the overall population or the subpopulation of patients with pouch construction at a second stage.

“Perioperative use of vedolizumab was not associated with short-term postoperative (infectious) complications,” the researchers concluded. “However, postponing pouch construction to a second stage of surgery is advisable in patients under biological therapy or moderate-to-high doses of steroids.”

—Christina Vogt


Ferrante M, de Buck van Overstraeten A, Schils N, et al. Perioperative use of vedolizumab is not associated with postoperative infectious complications in patients with ulcerative colitis undergoing colectomy. J Crohn Colitis. 2017;11(11):1353-1361. https://doi.org/10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjx095.