back pain

Study: Is Diazepam Effective for the Treatment of Acute Low Back Pain?

According to a new study, naproxen plus diazepam did not improve functional outcomes or pain compared with naproxen plus placebo at either 1 week or 3 months after discharge from the emergency department (ED).

The study included 114 participants who scored a 5 or above on the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire before being discharged from an ED. Researchers randomly assigned 55 patients to receive 20 tablets of naproxen 500 mg to take twice a day and 28 tablets of diazepam 5 mg to take every 12 hours as needed, and 57 patients to receive naproxen and 28 tablets of a placebo to take every 12 hours as needed. All patients participated in a 10-minute standardized educational session before they were discharged.

Pain intensity and improvement in Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire score were assessed at 1 week department, and 3 months after discharge from an ED using a 4-point descriptive scale.

Researchers found that the mean Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire of patients on naproxen and diazepam improved by 11. Likewise, the mean score of patients on naproxen and placebo improved by 11.

At the 1-week follow-up, 18 patients on diazepam reported moderate or severe low back pain compared to 12 in the placebo group. Six patients on diazepam reported moderate or severe low back pain at 3 months compared to 5 in the placebo group.

Adverse events were reported by 8 of the placebo and 12 of the diazepam patients.

“Among ED patients with acute, nontraumatic, nonradicular low back pain, naproxen+diazepam did not improve functional outcomes or pain compared with naproxen+placebo 1 week and 3 months after ED discharge,” the researchers concluded.

—Melissa Weiss


Friedman BW, Irizarry E, Solorzano C, et al. Diazepam is no better than placebo when added to naproxen for acute low back pain [published online February 7, 2016]. Ann Emerg Med.