
Flu Vaccination Halves Mortality Risk in HF Patients

Influenza vaccination was associated with a significant decrease in mortality risk among patients with heart failure (HF) during yearly influenza and non-influenza seasons, according to a recent meta-analysis

Findings from the analysis will be presented at the American College of Cardiology 2018 67th Scientific Session & Expo, which will take place from March 10 to 12 in Orlando, Florida.

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For their analysis, the researchers identified 78,882 patients enrolled in 5 studies that had assessed the effect of influenza vaccination on mortality or hospitalization due to HF.

Following adjustment, results indicated that influenza vaccination was associated with a lower risk of mortality during both influenza season (risk ratio [RR] 0.52) and non-influenza season (RR 0.79).

Furthermore, influenza vaccination was also found to be associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular hospitalization (RR 0.78) but not for all-cause hospitalization (RR 1.00) during influenza season.

“Our meta-analysis suggests the potential mortality benefit of influenza vaccination in heart failure patients,” the researchers concluded. “Large-scale randomized controlled trials should be planned to confirm our observed potential survival benefit of influenza vaccination in these patients.”

—Christina Vogt


Fukuta H, Ohte N. The effect of influenza vaccination on mortality and hospitalization in patients with heart failure: a meta-analysis. Paper presented at: ACC.18 67th Scientific Session & Expo; March 11, 2018; Orlando, FL. - !/4496/presentation/39126.