
Daily vs Intermittent TB Treatment in HIV: Which Is Better?

Daily anti-tuberculosis (TB) therapy is superior to intermittent therapy in antiretroviral-treated patients with human immunotherapy virus (HIV) with pulmonary TB, according to a recent study.

From September 14, 2009, to January 18, 2016, researchers assessed 331 adults with HIV with newly diagnosed, culture-positive, pulmonary TB.

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Participants were randomly assigned to daily (n = 98), part-daily (n = 96), or intermittent anti-TB therapy (n = 98) and were classified by baseline cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) lymphocyte count and sputum smear grade. Monthly clinical and sputum microbiological examinations of patients were performed for 18 months.

Results indicated that favorable responses occurred in 91%, 80%, and 77% of patients treated with daily, part-daily, and intermittent regiments, respectively.

Notably, the difference in outcome between daily and intermittent regimens crossed the O’Brien-Fleming group sequential boundaries and led to rifampicin resistance emergence in 4 patients in the intermittent therapy group. As a result, the data safety monitoring committee halted the study.

The researchers noted that 18 patients died and 18 patients dropped out of the trial during the treatment period. In addition, 6 patients receiving daily treatment, 4 patients receiving part-daily treatment, and 6 patients receiving intermittent treatment had TB recurrence.

“Among HIV-positive patients with pulmonary TB receiving antiretroviral therapy, a daily anti-TB regimen proved superior to a thrice-weekly regimen in terms of efficacy and emergence of rifampicin resistance,” the researchers concluded.

—Christina Vogt


Gopalan N, Santhanakrishnan RK, Palaniappan AN, et al. Daily vs intermittent antituberculosis therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with HIV: a randomized clinical trial [Published online March 5, 2018]. JAMA Intern Med. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.0141.