Knee pain

Could Weight Loss Slow Knee Cartilage Degeneration?

In obese patients, weight loss has a protective effect against knee cartilage degeneration, with higher amounts of weight loss having greater benefits, according to a recent study.

For their study, researchers examined the relationship between the amount of weight loss and the rate at which knee cartilage degenerates in obese patients.

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They followed 506 overweight and obese participants with either osteoarthritis or known risks of the degenerative disease. Participants were separated into 3 groups based upon the amount of weight they lost: 10% of their body weight, 5%-10% of their body weight, and no weight loss. The study authors tracked participants’ progress over a 48-month period by using MRI scans and the body mass index (BMI).

Overall, the group that lost 10% of its body weight saw the least cartilage degeneration among the 3 groups.

“Cartilage degenerated a lot slower in the group that lost more than 10% of their body weight, especially in the weight-bearing regions of the knee,” researchers concluded. “However, those with 5% to 10% weight loss had almost no difference in cartilage degeneration compared to those who didn't lose weight.”

Solka M, Joseph GB, Schwaiger BJ, et al. MRI reveals weight loss protects knees. [press release]. November 30, 2015.