Screening Tool Is Effective for Alcohol Use Disorder in Patients With HIV

The implementation and evaluation of an alcohol use disorder (AUD) screening tool is important for patients with HIV, according to the results of a recent study presented at IDWeek 2020.

This retrospective study included 121 patients with HIV who received outpatient care at the Beaumont Hospital HIV clinic in Michigan. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) questionnaire was provided as part of the routine check-in procedure beginning in February 2019.

The AUDIT questionnaire was used to divide patients into “at risk” and “not at risk” categories, based on their scores. Women of all ages and men older than age 60 years were categorized into the at-risk group if their AUDIT score was 4 or higher. Men aged 18 to 60 years were considered “at risk” if their score was 8 or higher. Criteria from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism was used to determine the AUDIT score categories.

The results indicated that the “at risk” group had a significantly higher mean age than those of the “not at risk” group. There were no significant statistical differences in the groups for CD-4 count or viral load. These results are preliminary, as the study is ongoing.

“The preliminary results of this study demonstrate the importance of screening for AUD within the vulnerable patient population. More specifically, it highlights the value of screening older individuals who may be at increased risk of hazardous drinking. In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic required transitioning to a telemedicine platform, thereby preventing completion of AUDIT paper forms. Thus, we will leverage technology by incorporating the AUDIT into electronic medical records, in effort to fortify this quality improvement initiative and ensure patient centered care,” the researchers concluded.  


—Leigh Precopio



Brickner ED, Mathew T, Johnson P. Implementation and evaluation of alcohol screening tool in HIV patients. Talk presented at: IDWeek 2020; October 21-25, 2020; Virtual.