
USPSTF Updates Recommendations for Screening for Intimate Partner Violence

The USPSTF has finalized its recommendations for the screening of women of reproductive age for intimate partner violence (IPV).


In order to update its 2013 recommendations, the USPSTF commissioned a review of evidence on screening for IPV in adolescents, women, and men, as well as screening for elder abuse, and abuse of vulnerable adults.


They recommend:

  • Screen for IPV in women of reproductive age and refer women who screen positive to ongoing support services (B recommendations)
  • The current evidence is insufficient to measure the balance of benefits and harms of screening for abuse and neglect in older or vulnerable adults (I statement)


 Both statements are consistent with the group’s 2013 recommendations, as well as their 2018 draft guidance.


—Michael Potts



USPSTF. Screening for intimate partner violence, elder abuse, and abuse of vulnerable adults. JAMA. 2018;320(16):1678-1687.