Blood Pressure

Diet, Exercise Could Reduce Need for BP Medication Within Months

The need for antihypertensive drugs can be cut within 4 months of beginning diet and exercise interventions in overweight adults, according to the results of a study presented at the American Heart Association’s Joint Hypertension 2018 Scientific Sessions.


In a secondary analysis of the ENCORE trial, researchers sought to examine the effects of the DASH diet alone and in combination with exercise on the need for antihypertensive medication in 129 overweight and obese individuals with blood pressure 130-160/80-99 mmHg.


Debating the New Hypertension Guidelines: Insights from the HEART iN DIABETES Conference

Which Hypertensive Patients Need Treatment?

The participants were randomly assigned to either 16 weeks of DASH plus weight management (nutritional counseling and behavioral weight management program), DASH diet alone, or usual care.


Of the 129, 68 of the participants had the criteria for treatment with antihypertensive medications defined in the 2017 ACC-AHA Hypertension Guideline.


Overall, blood pressure fell by 16/10 mmHg in the DASH plus weight management group, 11/8 mmHg in the DASH only group, and 3/4 mmHg in the usual care group.


The percentage of participants with indications for antihypertensive medical therapy fell from 54% (25 of 46) to 15% (7 of 46) in the DASH plus weight management group and from 51% (20 of 39) to 23% (9 of 39) in the DASH group. It did not significantly change in the UC group (55% [24 of 44] to 48% [21 of 44]).


“In overweight or obese men and women with hypertension, lifestyle interventions dramatically decrease the number of individuals for whom guideline-directed antihypertensive medication is indicated,” they concluded.


—Michael Potts



Hinderliter A, Mith P, Sherwood A, Blumenthal J. P388 / P388 - Lifestyle interventions reduce the need for guideline-directed antihypertensive medication. Presented at the American Heart Association’s Joint Hypertension 2018 Scientific Sessions. Chicago, Illinois. September 8, 2018.