AAFP Releases 5 New Practices to Avoid
As part of its Choosing Wisely campaign, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has added 5 more practices to its list of Things Physicians and Patients Should Question.
The ongoing list, comprised of 5 items, was released in April 2012 and updated in February 2013 (items 6-10) and September 2013 (items 11-15). The new items were added August 8, 2018 (items 16-20).
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“Three [of the newly released] recommendations were derived from AAFP Preventive Services Recommendations and 2 were based on other medical societies’ Choosing Wisely recommendations,” they wrote.
The new list items include:
- Pelvic exams should not be performed on asymptomatic, nonpregnant women unless necessary for guideline-appropriate screening for cervical cancer.
- Daily home glucose monitoring should not be routinely recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus not using insulin.
- Do not screen for genital herpes simplex virus infection in asymptomatic adults.
- Do not screen for testicular cancer in asymptomatic adolescents and adults.
- Don’t transfuse more than the minimum of red blood cell units necessary to relieve symptoms of anemia or to return a patient to a safe hemoglobin range (7 to 8 g/dL in stable patients).
The full list of recommendations, as well as descriptions accompanying each item, are available at the Choosing Wisely website.
—Michael Potts
American Academy of Family Physicians. Twenty things physicians and patients should question. http://www.choosingwisely.org/societies/american-academy-of-family-physicians/. Published April 4, 2012. Updated August 8, 2018. Accessed August 13, 2018.