
Welcome to 2018, a New Year of Consultant

Happy New Year! Welcome to the first issue of the 58th year of Consultant’s publication. Although the journal has moved to a digital format beginning this month, you are among a select group of subscribers who are receiving this special print edition of Consultant. In the pages that follow, and at Consultant360.com, we have curated a nonpareil package of practical, peer-reviewed clinical articles, columns, and quizzes the likes of which have been a Consultant trademark for nearly 6 decades.

By becoming a digital publication, Consultant is now able to take full advantage of the new ways of presenting information that had not been possible on the static printed page. And the digital format allows you to easily read, save, and share that content. Still, the printed word will always have a place in the communicating of information about the practice of medicine, and that’s why from time to time, we will continue to publish exclusive special issues of Consultant like this one.

For the latest news and clinical information and to read each issue of the journal, make Consultant a part of your digital routine by visiting Consultant360.com each day. While you are there, read our Legal Pearls, Nutritional Pearls, and other online features; test your knowledge with our daily trivia calendar; listen to a podcast; and sign up for the Consultant e-newsletter.

I welcome your feedback. Contact me by email at editor@consultant360.com, or call me directly at (800) 237-7285, ext. 4396.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2018!

Michael Gerchufsky, ELS, CMPP
Managing Editor, Consultant