Editor's Note: December 2013

editorAs 2013 comes to a close, it’s traditionally the time to take stock of the past year and look ahead to the coming months. Here at Consultant, we want to take a minute to do the same. 

Let us start by first extending a big thank you to you—our Consultant community. You are more than just our readers. You are our fellow collaborators. You write to us, you share your case reports and experiences, and you send us your questions. 

2013 has been a monumental year for Consultant. We introduced an interactive, multi-platform design and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. You have told us that you love having access to a tablet edition to download, bookmark, and read as you have a few spare minutes. Our hallmark photos are vivid in this format and allow you to zoom in to investigate closer as you try and make the diagnosis.

And is the new go-to site. It is easy to navigate in a web browser, mobile phone, or on a tablet. Have you visited us yet? We’re delivering breaking news, industry updates, conference coverage, videos and podcasts, photo quizzes, and so much more. 

So, what’s next? We will kick off 2014 with a new Photo Quiz Challenge, unveil a new redesign for our print journal, and launch several online exclusives… so stay tuned!

All of us at Consultant want to be the first to wish you a joyous holiday season and a happy and healthy new year.


Pooja Shah

Managing Editor, Consultant and Consultant360

P.S. Can’t get enough of Consultant? Like us on Facebook (, follow us on Twitter (@Consultant360) and share your photos on Instagram (#Consultant360).