Editor’s Note - January 2016

January traditionally is the time of promise and renewal, when the turn of the calendar page inspires hope for the new year. It’s a time of reflection on the changes brought by the previous 12 months, and of recommitment to shine while navigating the changes that are sure to come in 2016.

It’s a time of rejuvenation here at Consultant, where we’re working hard preparing the nonpareil clinical content for which you’ve relied on us since 1961—practical quizzes, case reports, commentaries, and peer-reviewed feature articles from your expert colleagues, across specialties and practice settings, with the goal of informing your practice of primary care.

Along with our work on the upcoming print issues of Consultant, we’re also busy behind the scenes at Consultant360.com. In addition to continuing to digitally deliver the latest medical news in a digestible daily format, along with the popular Did You Know? medical trivia calendar, our online-exclusive Clinical Pearls of Wisdom, and more, we’ll soon be sharing details about exciting new enhancements coming to Consultant360 in the next few weeks. Be sure to visit us online each day for details.

And finally, we’re also enthusiastically developing Consultant’s twice yearly Cardiometabolic Risk Summit for 2016. We invite you to attend CRS Spring, slated for March 18-20 in New Orleans, where expert physicians and other health care professionals translate the latest clinical research on cardiometabolic risk into practical treatment and prevention strategies for the entire primary care team. For more information and to register, click on CME/Conferences at Consultant360, or navigate directly to www.primarycarecardiometabolic.com.

I’m also new to Consultant for 2016, although I’m not new to the family, having served for the past 3 years as managing editor of Consultant for Pediatricians. I eagerly look forward to serving you and your colleagues across primary care in the coming year. And I extend my thanks to Pooja Shah, who has taken on a new role as associate editorial director for primary care, overseeing digital growth and long-term strategic planning for Consultant, Consultant for Pediatricians, and a number of our other journals and Web sites. Her years of expert stewardship as managing editor of Consultant have made the transition all seamless, and I owe her my gratitude.

In the coming year, as always, we welcome your feedback about Consultant and Consultant360. Send an e-mail to editor@consultant360.com to ask questions, share ideas, or offer your feedback and expertise. Happy 2016!

Michael Gerchufsky, ELS, CMPP

Managing Editor, Consultant