
Consultant Continues to Deliver Practical Medical Content, Digitally and in Print

Welcome to the February issue of Consultant. Although the journal has transitioned to a digital format here in 2018, you are among an exclusive group of health care providers selected to receive this special print edition of Consultant. In it, and at Consultant360.com, you’ll find an array of peer-reviewed articles, quizzes, and other engaging, practical content—the kind of clinical information for which you and your colleagues in medicine have depended on Consultant since the 1960s.

This well-rounded issue offers an innovative review article by Tom Rifai, MD, on the 5 Keys to Healthy Lifestyle Change and a pair of thought-provoking essays (Guest Commentary and Doctor’s Stories), along with our familiar Dermclinic, What’s Your Diagnosis?, and What’s the “Take Home”? features. And of course, no issue of Consultant would be complete without a generous helping of image-based case reports like the ones in Photoclinic and Photo Essay on the pages that follow.

The transformation of Consultant to a digital publication allows primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants to keep current using all of the advanced tools and technology that have improved learning and communication in the 21st century. Such a level of immediate interactivity and engagement had not been possible before the digital revolution, which has affected nearly every aspect of professional medicine—and indeed, daily American life. Nevertheless, the immemorial printed word will always have a place in human discourse, and we at Consultant will continue to publish special print issues to complement our digital presence.

To read each issue of Consultant, and to keep up with the latest news and clinical information beyond the printed page—such as clinical Pearls of Wisdom, daily medical trivia, podcasts, videos, and more—make us a part of your daily digital routine by bookmarking Consultant360.com. To access Consultant content while you are on the go, download the Consultant360 app for iOS devices at the App Store and for Android devices at Google Play. And so as not to miss any breaking medical news or a single issue of Consultant, sign up for our e-newsletter.

As always, I welcome your feedback. Contact me at editor@consultant360.com, or call me directly at (800) 237-7285, ext. 4396. Thanks for reading.

Michael Gerchufsky, ELS, CMPP
Managing Editor, Consultant