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A Woman With a Hyperpigmented Macule on Her Wrist

  • Authors:
    Paul Vance, MS-III

    College of Osteopathic Medicine, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, Yakima, Washington

    Michael Scott, DO, MPH
    Professor of Clinical Medicine, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, Yakima, Washington

    James Keene, DO, PhD
    Associate Professor, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, Yakima, Washington

    Vance P, Scott M, Keene J. A woman with a hyperpigmented macule on her wrist [published online September 25, 2019]. Consultant360.


    A 41-year-old woman presented to the clinic for a wellness check. She has no specific complaints and no relevant medical history aside from having had a scabies infection as a child. She had immigrated to the United States from Egypt 10 years ago.

    Her family history was unremarkable, and her vital signs were normal. Dermatologic examination revealed a 7 × 7-mm hyperpigmented macule on the flexor aspect of her right wrist (Figure). The borders are poorly defined and irregular. The remainder of the physical examination findings are unremarkable.

    macule on wrist